

Miroir aux alouettes


Olivier Lovey, born in 1981, studied at the Vevey School of Photography.


In his series Miroirs aux alouettes, begun in 2016, Olivier Lovey creates impossible, surrealistic images by sticking stickers in public spaces and exhibitions. By mixing reality and its double, he questions the limits of image and representation. In particular, the photographer revisits the notion of perspective, trompe-l'oeil and mise en abyme. Initially intended as photographs, his works also function as installations.

Baudrillard asserted that illusion is not opposed to reality, but that reality is only a particular case of the real. His work revolves around this singularity. The principle of anamorphosis that he sometimes uses is the most obvious example, but more than a point of view, photography also freezes a moment. His images are the result of a long process of trial and error, in which he tests different collusions of images and different lighting conditions. In the end, the result has to surprise me," says Olivier Lovey.

"Although rational, I like the idea that I'm discovering hidden worlds or trying to create a bridge between our reality and another (even if it's only imaginary). In fact, many of my images are built around a vanishing point or a central frame (when it's not a door, a staircase, etc.) that gives the idea of a passage. In a way, I'm creating heterotopias. These non-places, according to Michel Foulcault, can juxtapose several spaces that are themselves incompatible in terms of real space and chronology". O Lovey