

Notes on Motherhood


Hannah Goldstein a multidisciplinary artist working in photography, collage and video. Much of her work anchors itself in feminist thought and wishes to challenge societies normative ways of thinking. Along these lines she works on numerous projects at once, which span the topics of female histories to addressing the gender and race unbalance in art world. In Goldstein’s other photographic work she moves freely in the realms of self-documentary, narrative portraits and dealing with archives.


Hannah Goldstein's work focuses on feminism and the female perspective on history, motherhood and the representation of women. Her work combines photography, collage and text. The questioning of representations of what it means to be both a mother and an artist is contemporary and important. Her work also represents the myths surrounding motherhood. For example, it is often said that when you have children, your relationship with your own mother changes, or that from the moment you hold your child in your arms for the first time, life will never be the same again. The photographer has never experienced this. The work also addresses the fear of seeing one's child in the street and the reproaches often directed at the mother. These themes are approached with a wink, but also with the hope of showing the difficulties of motherhood.