

Soleil brûlant


The starting point for the photographs in the exhibition space is the pandemic.
Confined to her family home in the south of France, Anaïs Boileau began to use the space around her as a photographic laboratory, a creative space. She seized on objects for their formal and colourful potential, revealed by the sun. The photographer then superimposes different layers of materials and textures that call for painting. The result plays with the boundaries between abstraction and figuration. Some of the objects are recognisable, while others escape the eye because they are submerged in fragments of fabric, plants and so on. Some of the more painterly images shown and scattered around the Espace Saint-Ravy are a continuation of the artist's experiments. While focusing on the decomposition of light, Anaïs Boileau adds pastel and paint to the prints themselves, or photographs drawings directly, which she then reworks.
"I use photography to study this land of sun, sea and warmth and all the evocations it conjures up." Anaïs Boileau